
Global Animal Health Market: Size & Forecast with Impact Analysis of COVID-19 (2021-2025)




出版Daedal Research




Report Details

Scope of the Report

The report titled “Global Animal Health Market: Size & Forecast with Impact Analysis of COVID-19 (2021-2025)”, provides an in-depth analysis of the global animal health market with description of market sizing and growth. Furthermore, the report also provides detailed analysis of market by value, by type, by product, and by region.

Moreover, the report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and would be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global animal health market has also been forecasted for the years 2021-2025, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.

Some of the major players operating in the global animal health market are Merck & Co., Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim, Zoetis Inc., and Elanco, whose company profiling has been done in the report. Furthermore, in this segment of the report, business overview, financial overview and business strategies of the respective companies are also provided.

Region Coverage

North America
Asia Pacific
Western Europe
Latin America
Eastern Europe

Company Coverage

Merck & Co., Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim
Zoetis Inc.

Executive Summary

Based on the animal species, animal health market can be segmented into food producing animals (FPA) and companion animals (CA). Food producing animals (FPA) consist of swine, poultry, ruminants, and aquatic species. Companion animals (CA) include dogs, cats, horses and fishes.

The global animal health market has progressed promptly over the years and the market is further anticipated to escalate during the forecasted years 2021 to 2025. The market would augment owing to numerous growth drivers such as, escalating disposable income, growing demand for animal protein, rising veterinary healthcare expenditure, surging urban population, augmenting awareness of animal health, etc.

However, the market faces some challenges which are hindering the growth of the market. Some of the major challenges faced by the industry are unanticipated safety, quality or efficacy concern and regulatory obligations. Moreover, the market growth would succeed by various market trends like increasing adoption of wearable devices, evolution of pet nutrition products, pet humanization, etc.


Table of Contents


1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

2.1 Animal Health: An Overview
2.2 Animal Health Products: An Overview
2.3 Animal Health Products Supply Chain
2.4 Veterinary Distribution of Animal Health Products
2.5 Animal Health Segmentation: An Overview

3. Global Market Analysis

3.1 Global Animal Health Market: An Analysis

3.1.1 Global Animal Health Market by Value
3.1.2 Global Animal Health Market by Products (Pharma, Biological and Medicated Feed Additives (MFAs))
3.1.3 Global Animal Health Market by Type (Food Producing Animals (FPA) and Companion Animals (CA))
3.1.4 Global Animal Health Market by Region (North America, APAC, Western Europe, Latin America, Eastern Europe and ROW)

3.2 Global Animal Health Market: Product Analysis

3.2.1 Global Animal Biological Product Market by Value
3.2.2 Global Animal Medicated Feed Additives (MFAs) Product Market by Value
3.2.3 Global Animal Pharma Product Market by Value

3.3 Global Animal Health Market: Type Analysis

3.3.1 Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Market by Value
3.3.2 Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Market by Species (Cattle, Swine, Poultry, Aquaculture and Sheep)
3.3.3 Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Species Market by Value
3.3.4 Global Companion Animals (CA) Market by Value
3.3.5 Global Companion Animals (CA) Market by Products (Parasiticides, Specialty Products, Vaccines and Antibiotics)
3.3.6 Global Parasiticides Product Market by Value
3.3.7 Global Specialty Animal Product Market by Value
3.3.8 Global Animal Vaccines Market by Value
3.3.9 Global Animal Antibiotics Market by Value

4. Regional Market Analysis

4.1 North America Animal Health Market: An Analysis
4.1.1 North America Animal Health Market by Value

4.2 Western Europe Animal Health Market: An Analysis
4.2.1 Western Europe Animal Health Market by Value

4.3 Eastern Europe Animal Health Market: An Analysis
4.3.1 Eastern Europe Animal Health Market by Value

4.4 Latin America Animal Health Market: An Analysis
4.4.1 Latin America Animal Health Market by Value

4.5 Asia Pacific Animal Health Market: An Analysis
4.5.1 Asia Pacific Animal Health Market by Value

4.6 ROW Animal Health Market: An Analysis
4.6.1 ROW Animal Health Market by Value

5. COVID-19

5.1 Response of World Farmer’s Organization
5.2 Response of Market Players after Spread of Pandemic
5.3 Regional Impact of COVID-19
5.4 Variation in Organic Traffic

6. Market Dynamics

6.1 Growth Drivers
6.1.1 Growing Demand for Animal Protein
6.1.2 Rising Veterinary Healthcare Expenditure
6.1.3 Surging Urban Population
6.1.4 Escalating Disposable Income
6.1.5 Augmenting Awareness of Animal Health

6.2 Challenges
6.2.1 Unanticipated Safety, Quality or Efficacy Concern
6.2.2 Regulatory Obligations

6.3 Market Trends
6.3.1 Increasing Adoption of Wearable Devices
6.3.2 Evolution of Pet Nutrition Products
6.3.3 Pet Humanization

7. Competitive Landscape

7.1 Global Animal Health Market Players: A Financial Comparison
7.2 Global Animal Health Market Players by Share

8. Company Profiles

8.1 Merck & Co., Inc.
8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Financial Overview
8.1.3 Business Strategy

8.2 Zoetis Inc.
8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Financial Overview
8.2.3 Business Strategy

8.3 Boehringer Ingelheim
8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Financial Overview
8.3.3 Business Strategy

8.4 Elanco
8.4.1 Business Overview
8.4.2 Financial Overview
8.4.3 Business Strategy

Lis of Figures

Figure 1: Categories of Animal
Figure 2: Animal Health Products Supply Chain
Figure 3: Veterinary Distribution of Animal Health Products
Figure 4: Animal Health Segmentation
Figure 5: Global Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 6: Global Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 7: Global Animal Health Market by Products; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 8: Global Animal Health Market by Type; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 9: Global Animal Health Market by Region; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 10: Global Animal Biological Product Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 11: Global Animal Biological Product Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 12: Global Animal Medicated Feed Additives (MFAs) Product Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 13: Global Animal Medicated Feed Additives (MFAs) Product Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 14: Global Animal Pharma Product Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 15: Global Animal Pharma Product Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 16: Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 17: Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 18: Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Market by Species; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 19: Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Species Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 20: Global Food Producing Animals (FPA) Species Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 21: Global Companion Animals (CA) Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 22: Global Companion Animals (CA) Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 23: Global Companion Animals (CA) Market by Products; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 24: Global Parasiticides Product Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 25: Global Parasiticides Product Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 26: Global Specialty Animal Product Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 27: Global Specialty Animal Products Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 28: Global Animal Vaccines Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 29: Global Animal Vaccines Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 30: Global Animal Antibiotics Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 31: Global Animal Antibiotics Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 32: North America Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 33: North America Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 34: Western Europe Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 35: Western Europe Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 36: Eastern Europe Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 37: Eastern Europe Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 38: Latin America Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 39: Latin America Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 40: Asia Pacific Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 41: Asia Pacific Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 42: ROW Animal Health Market by Value; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 43: ROW Animal Health Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 44: Variation in Organic Traffic due to COVID-19 (2020)
Figure 45: Global Animal Protein Demand; 2017-2037 (Kilotonnes)
Figure 46: Global Veterinary Healthcare Market; 2020-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 47: Global Urban Population; 1990-2050 (Percentage, %)
Figure 48: Global GNI Per Capita; 2015-2019 (US$ Thousand)
Figure 49: Global Literacy rate (People Ages 15 and Above), 2015-2019 (Percentage, %)
Figure 50: Global Pet Wearable Devices Market; 2020-2024 (US$ Billion)
Figure 51: Global Animal Health Market Players by Share; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 52: Merck & Co., Inc. Sales; 2015-2019 (US$ Billion)
Figure 53: Merck & Co., Inc. Sales by Segment; 2019 (Percentage, %)
Figure 54: Merck & Co., Inc. Sales by Region; 2019 (Percentage, %)
Figure 55: Zoetis Inc. Revenue; 2015-2019 (US$ Billion)
Figure 56: Zoetis Inc. Revenue by Segment; 2019 (Percentage, %)
Figure 57: Zoetis Inc. Revenue by Region; 2019 (Percentage, %)
Figure 58: Boehringer Ingelheim Net Sales; 2015-2019 (US$ Billion)
Figure 59: Boehringer Ingelheim Net Sales by Segments; 2019
Figure 60: Boehringer Ingelheim Net Sales by Region; 2019
Figure 61: Elanco Revenue; 2015-2019 (US$ Billion)
Figure 62: Elanco Revenue by Product; 2019 (Percentage, %)
Figure 63: Elanco Revenue by Region; 2019 (Percentage, %)
Table 1: Global Animal Health Market Players: A Financial Comparison; 2019



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