5Gローミング戦略 2023-2027年

出版:Juniper Research(ジュニパーリサーチ) 出版年月:2023年3月

5G Roaming Strategies: Value-added Services, Regional Analysis & Market Forecasts 2023-2027
5Gローミング戦略:付加価値サービス、地域別分析、市場予測 2023-2027年

価格 ()GBP3,750


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Juniper Research(ジュニパーリサーチ)「5Gローミング戦略:付加価値サービス、地域別分析、市場予測 2023-2027年 – 5G Roaming Strategies: Value-added Services, Regional Analysis & Market Forecasts 2023-2027 」は世界の5Gローミング市場を調査し、詳細な分析・予測結果を提供しています。

Report Overview

Juniper Research’s latest 5G Roaming Strategies research offers an in-depth market segment analysis into the key market drivers, technologies and regions being innovated through the use of 5G networks for roaming services. This report provides tailored recommendations for market stakeholders in the competitive landscape, including mobile operators and roaming service providers, as well as four-year forecasts for key market verticals, such as mobile roaming subscribers, roaming consumer devices and IoT (Internet of Things) roaming.

Juniper Research’s Competitor Leaderboard, featuring an in‑depth evaluation of 15 major roaming vendors, uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative scoring criteria to provide vendor positioning for the market’s leading players.

In addition, the report suite contains a thorough region analysis of innovative applications; assessing 60 countries in 8 key regions on their readiness and market opportunities for the adoption of 5G roaming technology for the forecast period. This regional analysis leverages in-house forecast data for a range of key factors including for dedicated:

  • Subscribers
  • Subscriber Data Revenue
  • Subscriber Voice Traffic
  • Subscriber SMS Traffic
  • 5G Cellular IoT Connections
  • 5G IoT Roaming Data
  • 5G IoT Roaming Revenue

This research suite includes:

  • Market Trends & Strategies (PDF)
  • Competitor Leaderboard (PDF)
  • Data & Forecasting (PDF)
  • 5-year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (Excel)
  • 12 Months’ Access to harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics – Roaming Connections
Market Size in 2023:53mn
Market Size in 2027:526mn
2023 to 2027 Market Growth:900%


  • Regional Analysis: Comprehensive coverage featuring regional market analysis on the future of the market in a select 60 countries split by 8 key regions; analysing each region’s full potential using the following criteria, paired with supplementary 5-year forecast data.
  • Value-added Services Evaluation: The landscape overview assesses 5G influence on value-added roaming services and provides recommendations to operators and roaming service providers on how to utilise these value-added services to reduce key major factors affecting revenue leakage and maximise return on investment, including:
    • Data & Financial Clearing
    • GPX (GPS Exchange) & IPX (IP Exchange)
    • Permanent Roaming
    • Roaming Analytics
    • Roaming Hubs
    • Sponsored Roaming
    • Steering of Roaming
  • Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 15 roaming service providers; positioning them as either an established leader, leading challenger, or disruptor and challenger. Our Competitor Leaderboard scores these companies on a number of criteria including their size of operations in the space, their extent and breadth of market partnerships, sophistication of their platforms, and Juniper Research’s view on each company’s innovation and future business prospects. The companies included in Juniper Research’s 5G Roaming Strategies Competitor Leaderboard are:
    • A1 Telekom Austria Group
    • BICS
    • Cellusys
    • Comfone
    • Deutsche Telekom Carrier
    • EMnify
    • Etisalat Carrier & Wholesale
    • iBASIS
    • Mobileum
    • Nextgen Clearing
    • Syniverse
    • Tata Communications
    • Telefónica Global Solutions
    • TOMIA
    • Vodafone Roaming Services
  • Benchmark Industry Forecasts: 5-year forecasts are provided for the market growth of 5G roaming connections and traffic, total data roaming revenue from 5G connections and total global roaming revenue. Metrics are split by our 8 key forecast regions and the 60 countries listed below:
    • North America:
      • Canada, US
    • Latin America:
      • Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
    • West Europe:
      • Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
    • Central & East Europe:
      • Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
    • Far East & China:
      • China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea
    • Indian Subcontinent:
      • Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
    • Rest of Asia Pacific:
      • Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
    • Africa & Middle East:
      • Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates


  1. What is driving the development of 5G-enabled value-added services within the roaming market?
  2. How will the increasing usage of 5G connectivity impact the roaming market?
  3. How does the increased quality of 5G roaming data connections impact roaming vendors?
  4. What impact will 5G have on roaming and permanently roaming IoT connections?
  5. Which vendors have the largest market share in 5G roaming?

Interviewed: Cellusys, Mobileum, Tata Communications, TOMIA.

Case Studied: SecurityGen.

Included in Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: A1 Telekom Austria Group, BICS, Cellusys, Comfone, Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier, EMnify, Etisalat C&WS, iBASIS, Mobilieum, Nextgen Clearing, Syniverse, Tata Communications, Telefónica Global Solutions, TOMIA, Vodafone Roaming Services.

Mentioned: 2 Degrees Mobile, 3m Digital Networks Pvt Ltd, Able Device, Accenture, AiRXOS, AIS, Alberici, Algar, Alibaba Group, Altice DR, AMEEX, América Móvil, Amplitiv, Arbor, Arelion, AT&T, Athonet, AtmoTrack, Audax Private Equity, AWS, BAE, BASE, Bell Canada, Blackbird, Bouygues, Bouygues Telecom, Celcom Axiata, Cell C, Cellcom Golan Marathon, ChargeX, China Broadnet, China Telecom, China Unicom, ciena, Cisco, Clarity, Claro, CNT (Corporación Nacional de Telecommunicaciones), Colombia WB Hots, Cosmote, DellEMC, Developing Solutions, devicepilot, Digi Telecommunications, Digicel Pacific Group, Digis Squared, Digitalparking, DISH Wireless, DITO Communications, Djezzy, DNA, DNB (Digital Nasional Berhad), DTAC, Eastlink, Eclat Media Group, EcoWaste, EE, Egypt Telecom, EI (Evolved Intelligence), Eir, Elisa, Enacom, Epic, Ericsson, Eseye, ETB, ev.energy, Eval&Go, Explosion Power, Fastweb, Federated Wireless, Fischer Akkumulatorentechnik, Flo.live, Fortinet, Free, Fujitsu, GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), GCI, Genesys, Global Play, Globe, Globe Communications, GMS, GoHome GPS, Google, H.I.G Technology Partners, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hidroconta, HKT, Hong Kong Telecom, Hoots Classic, Horisen, Hot Mobile, Hrvatski Telecom , HT, Huawei, Hutchinson Group, Hutchison Indonesia, IBM, Ice, Iliad, Infobip, Innovmobile, Invitech ICT Services, JIGSAW, Jio, JT Group, Kairos Geolocalisation, Kore.ai, KPN, KT Corporation, LG U+, Linkem Group, Lohr Industries, Lufthansa, Lumine Group, LUXE.TV, Lynk, Mada, Magenta Telekom, Magyar Telekom , Maroc Telecom, Marvell, Maxis, MEO, metr, Microsoft, Mobilis, Mobily, Mobius, Moov, MotoGP, MTC, MTN, Nanti Systems, NEC, Nokia, Nordic, NOS, NOVA, Nuuday, O2, oee.ai, OIV, OneWeb, Ooredoo, OpNet, Optus, Oracle, Orange Group, OSC Top Solutions Group, Partitionware, Partner, PCCW Global, Pelephone, Personal , PiCo, Play, PLDT, Plivo, Plus, Polkomtel, Primagaz, Proximus Group, PTCL, QRoam, Qualcomm Technologies, Rain, Ribbon, Roamability, RoamSmart, RoamsysNext, Rogers, Rostelecom, SailGP, Salesforce, Salt, SAMA, Samsung, SaskTel, Sateliot, Segron, Sensoneo, Sequans Communications, SFR, Sharemac, Sigos, Simfony, Siminn, Sippio, SK Telecom, Sky, Smart Communications, Smartfren Telekom Tbk, Smartisland, Solarly, Spark, Sparkle, ST life.augmented, Starhub, STC, Sunrise, Swisscom, Symestic, Syrinix, Tata Communications, TDC, Tele2 Group, Telecom Italia, Telekom Malaysia, Telekom Slovenije, Telemach, Telenet, Telenor, Telesat, Teletalk, Telia Company, Telstra, Telus, Thales, Three, Tigo, TIM, TM (Telekom Malaysia Berhad), T-Mobile, TNS, Tofane Global, TOT Pcl, True MoveH, TT Network, U Mobile, Ufone, Umlaut, Union Wireless, Unitel, urban.io, US Cellular, VEON, Verizon, Videotron, VimpelCom, Vivo, Vodacom, VoerEir, Volaris Group, Walleye, Webe, WeDo Technologies, Wind, WOM, XConnect, Xintec, Xplornet, Yoigo, YouSee, YTL Communications, Zain, Zscaler, ZTE.

  • 5G Roaming Strategies Market Summary, including:
    • Total 5G Roaming Connections
    • Total 5G Data Roaming Traffic
    • Total Data Roaming Revenue from 5G Connections
    • Total Global Roaming Revenue
  • Data Splits for Total Traffic, Revenue and Potential Revenue Loss are also provided for the following markets:
    • 5G Roaming Subscribers
      • Further split by Voice, SMS and Data traffic
    • 5G Roaming Consumer Devices
      • 5G Roaming Tablets
      • 5G Roaming Laptops & Notebooks
      • 5G Consumer Wearables
    • 5G IoT Roaming Connections

Geographical splits: 60 countries

Number of tables: 98 tables

Number of datapoints: Over 44,600 datapoints

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Juniper Research has found that the total number of 5G roaming connections will increase from 53 million in 2023 to 526 million by 2027. This substantial growth will require the development of new roaming tools that are able to autonomously identify roaming connections as 5G connectivity proliferates. Juniper Research identified AI-based real-time analytics and roaming fraud mitigation services as two critical solutions that will enable operators to protect their networks against an influx of data traffic from roaming subscribers.

  • Juniper Research predicted that amidst the growth of 5G roamers, emerging traffic analytics and anti-fraud solutions must enable the enhanced identification and authentication of roaming connections over 5G networks. However, given the increased complexity of 5G networks, Juniper Research anticipated current roaming analytics services will be insufficient in monitoring 5G roaming connections, and the subsequent increase in mobile roaming data.
  • To maximise the benefits from these new 5G roaming services, operators must invest in 5G NGCs (Next-generation Cores), which are highly virtualised and can more efficiently assess traffic and connectivity. By deploying NGCs, roaming vendors can better protect networks’ processing power and signalling capabilities amidst rising levels of roaming data consumption. This will ensure a continuous level of service essential to attracting high-spending enterprise customers.
  • Additionally, Juniper Research predicted that 5G NGCs will be imperative to enabling operators to handle the growth of data from roaming subscribers, forecasting that 5G data roaming traffic will rise by 3,500% over the next four years.
  • An inability to detect roaming connections that use valuable network bandwidth risks diminishing the user experience for the operator’s own subscribers. To maintain high-quality services for their subscribers, operators must invest in roaming solutions that can efficiently identify roaming connections that consume large amounts of cellular data.


  • 競合スコアボードレポート(PDF)
    Competitor leaderboard report
  • 市場動向、戦略、予測レポート(PDF)
    Market trends, strategies and forecasts report (pdf)
  • 市場データ&予測(xls)
    Market data & forecasts  (xls)
  • 最新データへの12ヶ月アクセス
    harvest market data platform (12 months’ online access)
(1) 動向&戦略調査
  • 市場動向&戦略レポート(PDF)
    Market trends & strategies report
GBP 1,990
  • 競合スコアボードレポート(PDF)
    Competitor leaderboard report
GBP 1,990
(2) 市場規模&予測GBP 2,990
  • 市場データ・予測・分析レポート(PDF)
    Market data, forecasts and analysis report (pdf)
  • 市場データ&予測(xls)
    Market data & forecasts  (xls)
  • 最新データへの12ヶ月アクセス
    harvest market data platform (12 months’ online access)



Basingstoke, UK – 6th March 2023: A new study by Juniper Research has found that the total number of 5G roaming connections will increase from 53 million in 2023 to 526 million by 2027.

This substantial growth will require the development of new roaming tools that are able to autonomously identify roaming connections as 5G connectivity proliferates. The research identified AI-based real-time analytics and roaming fraud mitigation services as two critical solutions that will enable operators to protect their networks against an influx of data traffic from roaming subscribers.

Find out more about the new research: 5G Roaming Strategies: Value-added Services, Regional Analysis & Market Forecasts 2023-2027

5G Network Cores to Drive Development

The research predicts that amidst the growth of 5G roamers, these emerging traffic analytics and anti‑fraud solutions must enable the enhanced identification and authentication of roaming connections over 5G networks. However, given the increased complexity of 5G networks, it anticipates current roaming analytics services will be insufficient in monitoring 5G roaming connections, and the subsequent increase in mobile roaming data.

To maximise the benefits from these new 5G roaming services, operators must invest in 5G NGCs (Next‑generation Cores), which are highly virtualised and can more efficiently assess traffic and connectivity. By deploying NGCs, roaming vendors can better protect networks’ processing power and signalling capabilities amidst rising levels of roaming data consumption. This will ensure a continuous level of service essential to attracting high-spending enterprise customers.

Roaming Data Growth to Necessitate New Services

Additionally, the report predicts that 5G NGCs will be imperative to enabling operators to handle the growth of data from roaming subscribers; forecasting that 5G data roaming traffic will grow 3,500% over the next four years.

Report author Elisha Sudlow-Poole commented: “An inability to detect roaming connections that use valuable network bandwidth risks diminishing the user experience for the operator’s own subscribers. To maintain high-quality services for their subscribers, operators must invest in roaming solutions that can efficiently identify roaming connections that consume large amounts of cellular data.”

Juniper Research provides research and analytical services to the global hi-tech communications sector, providing consultancy, analyst reports and industry commentary.





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